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Log Trucks - AutoKrAZ

Log Trucks

KrAZ Log Trucks

KrAZ log trucks enjoy huge popularity among lumbermen due to their competitive advantages. High cross-country ability of KrAZ log truck tractors and short log trucks (6х4 and 6х6) in combination with increased payload capacity and robustness, extremely easy maintenance, reparability and good value for money are highly appreciated by forestry operators.


KrAZ truck has always been reliable and durable. Key components that increase its reliability are as follows:
- frame utilizing side members made from hot-rolled channel bars featuring walls with increased thickness and strong pressed cross members;
- reinforced axles with cast beams, reduction gear units with reliable gears for high torque;
- reinforced front and rear suspensions.

Conventional design is ideal for logging operations. Cab-behind-engine configuration provides for increased passive safety, reduced vibration load and good conditions for maintenance of engine and its systems at low temperatures.

It is worthy of note that KrAZ log trucks have repeatedly received awards at the most prestigious forestry exhibition Russian Forest (Vologda), yet more proof of high quality and excellent performance of KrAZ trucks.

Configuration: 6x4
Load carrying capacity, kg: 21400
Engine: diesel engine turbocharged
Power, h.p.:  from 300
Configuration: 6x6
Road train payload, kg: 30900
Engine: diesel engine turbocharged
Power, h.p.:  from 300
Configuration: 6x6
Road train payload, kg: 31000
Engine: diesel engine turbocharged
Power, h.p.:  from 300
Configuration: 6x6
Load carrying capacity, kg: 16500
Engine: diesel engine, turbocharged
Power, h.p.: from 300
Configuration: 6x6
Load carrying capacity, kg: 18000
Engine: diesel engine turbocharged
Power, h.p.: from 300

KrAZ chassis trucks
PDF, 6,4 MB

KrAZ Dump trucks
PDF, 4,1 MB

KrAZ Trailers
PDF, 2,4 MB

Foreign Trade Firm "KrAZ"





